After a confusing and non-committal summer, the months that are supposed to be cold are finally here. With the change in temperature comes a change in trends and Country Living has graced us with their predictions. First up are the colours, with three trendy tone families offering the essence of autumn.
Comforting neutrals
These colours have been big all year. They are soft, calming, and never out of style, perfect to combine with shades of all kinds. Their warm undertones soothe the soul, working well with deeper tones and light, dusty accents. Mix up the neutrality by playing with textures and fabrics.
Matches from our collections:
Haven Cream, Winchester Beige, Country Mushroom
Grey as a neutral
Another ever-popular colour, grey has the ability to add style to spaces without the daunting risk of overpowering the design. Play with plenty of textures to enjoy variety and mix and match with joyful, enticing colours.
Matches from our collections:
Berlin Grey, Croft Grey, Arrows Gloss White
Spice colours
These gorgeous earthy shades add depth to neutrals and embrace spaces in a warm, intoxicating hug. Expanding on natural colours, these spice tones can create a sense of connection and do wonders for the mind. Ranging from deep reds, rusty oranges, earthy ochres, and paired down purple, spice colours are fabulously varied.
Matches from our collections:
Clays Cotto, Albert’s Mustard Yellow, Dorset Red